Welcome to the website of Shandong Zhongju Intelligent equipment Co., LTD., specializing in the customization of excavators, loaders front-end multi-functional fittings


screener-crusher bucket

  • Product ID:Crushing-Tools
  • QQ:Whatsapp:+8613853778627
  • Phone: 086-13853778627
  • Tel: 086-18305371238
  • Email: lina@cnznzb.com
  • Time: 2022-05-19 10:44

Screener Crusher bucket is a versatile accessory for a wheel loader, excavator or skid steer. With Screener Crusher you can screen, crush, pulverise, aerate, blend, mix, separate, feed and load materials all in one stage 
Screener Crusher can process many types of material such as topsoil, black top and dirt, excavated and waste soil, contaminated soil, clay, peat, bark, compost, biowaste, demolition waste, construction waste, milled asphalt, glass, coal, oil shale, lime stone and several other materials.
Screener Crusher can screen and crush materials from 15 mm to 150 mm fragment sizes.



whatsapp: +8613853778627

Phone: 086-13853778627

Tel: 086-18305371238

Email: sale@cnznzb.com

Add: Inkley Industrial Park, 327 National Road, High-tech Zone, Jining city, Shandong Province, China

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